Invest in NZ businesses online today
Choose from approved “investment ready” pitches to build a diversified portfolio
To make your research and due diligence easier all businesses are vetted by Crowdsphere and must present business plans and three years financial projections for your review. You can build a diversified portfolio from a steady stream of start-up, early stage and growth businesses in a variety of sectors to satisfy your risk appetite, investment preferences and budget.
As an investor, you may receive voting and pre-emption rights that you’d expect from a normal angel investment if A-Shares are offered, take a look to see which pitches offer A-Shares.
What’s more, there are no investment fees, either upfront or when the company exits it’s your money, your risk and your reward.
Remember that investing in start-ups is risky
Investing in start-up and early stage businesses can be very rewarding if you can identify and invest in a start-up before it’s well known and profits start to take off. However, while the upside is great in successful cases, in many cases start-up companies will fail or not deliver a good investor return. Specific risks related to investing in early stage businesses include illiquidity, lack of dividends, loss of investment and dilution and should only be done as part of a diversified portfolio. Crowdsphere is therefore only targeted to sophisticated investors who can understand these risks to make their own investment decisions. You will only be able to invest via Crowdsphere once you are registered as sufficiently sophisticated.
To read the full Risk Warning, please click here.
A copy of our Disclosure Statement can be found here.
A copy of our Investor Terms can be found here.
To find out more about equity crowdfunding with Crowdsphere, click here.
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